
This blog is totally anonimous and was made by seventh grade students.

jueves, 10 de junio de 2010

The Creation of Golf

The creation of Golf
Long ago there was a tribe called The Huachichiles.This tribe lived in the northern part of Mexico. This tribe had a very strange tradition. First of all they always cut the heads of the prisoners they had & second of all they played a game without sense in which you needed to hit those heads to see who hits them harder. And the one who hit them the hardest won the best woman.
This tradition lasted very long until the emperor Chichimequis said this game was very violent. So he prohibited that game. Obviously all the men in the city of Hotdog were mad since they couldn’t find a way to find out who will stay with a woman without fighting. This problem lasted for about 6 months until a person from another city came and told the citizens that in the city from which he comes from it existed a plant whit a round hard fruit.
The emperor liked this idea and asks Cube the person from the other city if he could bring some and he would give him whatever he wants. So the next day the emperor sent Cube & 20 soldiers to go for that plant. They made a trip for about 1 week until they were there. There they found the coconut plant and Cube took several so he could plant some in Hotdog. Finally he came back to the city of Hotdog to plant the coconut seeds in there.
They waited for about 4 months until the first coconut came out. But they realized that the game had no sense anymore since the ball was too big. So they planted again and took the coconuts when they were smaller. So after that they invented a new game. But they also made another changes, for example a person made a special stick so that you could hit the ball in a better way & they also made holes so that they tried to insert the ball in the hole from long distances.
This game became very famous in about one year. So it also extended around all America & when the British came they took that game to England. Also after the time the British invented a name for this game and this game was Golf. And obviously after the years they started making changes to the game like for example they made different golf clubs (sticks) for different situations or the creation of golf courses that made golf even more enjoyable.
So this game is also played today in the entire world. Also tournaments were created to see who is the best playing this game. So this was how golf was created and how it evolved.
The End

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