domingo, 13 de junio de 2010
Lets stop Life Support
Life support makes patients suffer a lot. They always get very strong medicins that makes patients throw up, makes their hair fall out, and doesn’t lets them live well. Also because they are most of the time attached to cables, imagin you living because of cables, and most of time you wont be able to see. You might only be thinking in your head, but wouldn’t be able to see whats happening outside. Life support doesn’t only makes the patient suffer, it also makes the donator tu suffer because if he donates his organs, later if he needs them back what would happen.
Lifesupport is very expensive so not everyone can afford it. All the medicines are expensive, having all the visits of the doctors. Maybe you could afford the life support buat all the money you spend may had been for a different occasion. Or you pay so your familiar live like for two months but what if he wants to die and he cant tell you. Your just making people feel sad and suffer by wasting your money. I know someones live has no price but if he wants to die dont let him suffer.
Life support gives you lot of emotional feelings. Like imagine you being the familiar and just seeing the sick familiar of you sad, suffering, and maybe not even moving. Wouldn’t you feel bad, you will never be ok anywhere you go, because you would be worried he/she could die in any moment. Now you are the patient, imagine you always been suffering, seeing all your familiars worried about you knowing you could die in any moment or knowing the date you will die I would be happy and prefer dying normally with not much pain.
In conclusion I think life support is a very good invention. But that government and hospitals could let familiars, mostly the patient decide if they want to still live or die. What ifyou are living not wanting. Having life support is very bad because your living because of it and you cant do all the things you wanted to do. If I have hope of live I would like to be on life support but if I know that I will die any day I would prefer someone to disconnect me when im sleeping and not waking up in the morning. So this is just my opinion of life support, I would be very happy if my family would pay anything for me to stay alive not even if I need to be on life support, but maybe I would like them to think that whats good of live when you cant do anything.
jueves, 10 de junio de 2010
Does Having a Poor sleep affect your grades?
Sleep and Learning Research
Everyone knows that if you don’t have a good rest time at night, your next day could be ruined. When you are sleepy, you will feel all tired and sleepy and obviously all your day will be ruined.
It is quite obvious that mental functions and learning are the primary victims of having a bad sleep. Scientists have suspected for a long time that the main function of having a sleep is heavily related to learning and memory. For example, in the 17th century, John Locke, an English philosopher, campaigned that children should have a good sleep. This would help children by learning more in school. In the present there are still some famous sleep researchers who argue about this topic. Lots of sleep researchers say that ‘‘sleep is like eating, if you can get more, you will always want to sleep more and more’’. There are people that maybe don’t like sleeping and there are some people that might just love to sleep.
The main thing that may make students sleepy is going to school. First of all, they need to wake up early to go to school to ‘‘learn’’. Being tired and sleepy doesn’t really contribute to have a good school day since it just contributes to sleepiness and distraction. And not just your learning is affected, or it is just a waste of time, not only the kids get all stressed and bored, but even their health could be affected. Some researchers have tried to change school time so students can have a better sleep.
When I read this, I decided to make a research so I interviewed several students. So this where the 2 things that I asked them: what was their actual grade and that how many hours they sleep per day. And these were my final results:
Name of Boy / Hours of Sleep /Grade
GGV / 7 / 74
MSF / 8 / 75
FAJ / 8 / 72
LACF / 7 / 79
ERA / 7 / 75
HJG / 8 / 74
TNS / 6 / 70
RARS / 6 / 72
PGL /7 / 76
JRC /8 / 88
TBC /9 / 85
AEM /8 / 80
JJB /7 / 92
MAOQ / 8 / 96
EMG /8 / 75
JLM /8 / 82
FIRP (me) /8 / 88
I also searched for a research in internet that was already done and this was what I found:
Doctors, nurses and other health care providers never forget to remind teachers, principals and other school professionals that children and adolescents can only learn in a good way if they are healthy. But how true is this?
In a series of six recently-published articles, the relationship between children’s actions in school and various health problems was examined. In each of these articles, the authors read numerous published research studies to look for thing about lots of different things. Of all the health problems researched, having a poor sleep was among the most unexpected and definitive causes of poor academic knowledge.
Most children need at least nine hours of good sleep each night. However, for many reasons, children that go to school may receive less than the recommended time of sleep. The reasons for this shortfall include the working, eating, and bedtime patterns of students and their families, early school-start times, and childhood sleep disorders (such as disrupted sleep from snoring or breathing pauses).
Many adolescents and pre-adolescents (more than 40%, in many research studies) do not get good amounts of sleep. In one study of 1,000 students (grades 9-12), 90% reported feeling tired from lack of sleep etc... And there is evidence that tiredness affects school performance.
Ways to improve your sleeping
Some ways to improve your sleeping are:
• Follow a consistent bedtime routine.
• Establish a relaxing setting at bedtime.
• Get a full night's sleep every night.
• Avoid foods or drinks that contain caffeine, as well as any medicine that has a stimulant, prior to bedtime.
• Do not stay up all hours of the night to "cram" for an exam, do homework, etc. If after-school activities are proving to be too time-consuming, consider cutting back on these activities.
• Keep computers and TVs out of the bedroom.
• Do not go to bed hungry, but don't eat a big meal before bedtime either.
• Avoid any rigorous exercise within six hours of your bedtime.
• Make your bedroom quiet, dark and a little bit cool.
• Get up at the same time every morning.
Things that might not let you sleep
There are lots of things that might not let you sleep but I just researched this 3: Narcolepsy, Insomnia, and sleep apnea.
Narcolepsy is one type of sleep disorder. Narcolepsy is characterized by sleeping a lot during the day, in which a person experiences extreme tiredness and possibly falls asleep in not very appropriate hours, like when you are working or even when you’re ate school. A person that suffers narcolepsy will not have a normal time at sleeping. Narcolepsy is often confused with another sleep disorder called Insomnia. When a person with narcolepsy falls asleep they will generally experience the REM stage of sleep within 10 to 30 minutes. This might often happen to students at school that might not had a good sleep time.
‘‘Insomnia is a symptom which can accompany several sleep, medical and psychiatric disorders, characterized by persistent difficulty falling asleep and/or staying asleep despite the opportunity. Insomnia is typically followed by functional impairment while awake. Both organic and non-organic insomnia without other cause constitute a sleep disorder, primary insomnia. One definition of insomnia is "difficulties initiating and/or maintaining sleep, or non restorative sleep, associated with impairments of daytime functioning or marked distress for more than 1 month."
According to the United States Department of Health and Human Services in the year 2007, approximately 64 million Americans regularly suffer from insomnia each year. Insomnia is 1.4 times more common in women than in men’’.
Sleep apnea is another type of sleep disorder characterized by pauses in your breathing during sleep. Each pause, called an apnea , can last long enough so that one or more breaths are missed, and such pauses or episodes occur repeatedly throughout sleep. ‘‘The standard definition of any apneic pause includes a minimum 10 second interval between breaths, with either a neurological, a blood oxygen desaturation of 3-4% or greater, or both arousal and desaturation’’. Sleep apnea is diagnosed with an overnight sleep test called polysomnogram, which is just a sleep study.
Why is sleeping important
Your body is like a battery. And you use the energy of the battery during all the day. So obviously there needs to be a way to charge this battery. This way of charging the battery that is the energy of your body is by sleeping. Sleeping also helps taking stress away. Stress takes away your focus, stifles creativity, and can contribute to poor sleep
The Creation of Golf
Long ago there was a tribe called The Huachichiles.This tribe lived in the northern part of Mexico. This tribe had a very strange tradition. First of all they always cut the heads of the prisoners they had & second of all they played a game without sense in which you needed to hit those heads to see who hits them harder. And the one who hit them the hardest won the best woman.
This tradition lasted very long until the emperor Chichimequis said this game was very violent. So he prohibited that game. Obviously all the men in the city of Hotdog were mad since they couldn’t find a way to find out who will stay with a woman without fighting. This problem lasted for about 6 months until a person from another city came and told the citizens that in the city from which he comes from it existed a plant whit a round hard fruit.
The emperor liked this idea and asks Cube the person from the other city if he could bring some and he would give him whatever he wants. So the next day the emperor sent Cube & 20 soldiers to go for that plant. They made a trip for about 1 week until they were there. There they found the coconut plant and Cube took several so he could plant some in Hotdog. Finally he came back to the city of Hotdog to plant the coconut seeds in there.
They waited for about 4 months until the first coconut came out. But they realized that the game had no sense anymore since the ball was too big. So they planted again and took the coconuts when they were smaller. So after that they invented a new game. But they also made another changes, for example a person made a special stick so that you could hit the ball in a better way & they also made holes so that they tried to insert the ball in the hole from long distances.
This game became very famous in about one year. So it also extended around all America & when the British came they took that game to England. Also after the time the British invented a name for this game and this game was Golf. And obviously after the years they started making changes to the game like for example they made different golf clubs (sticks) for different situations or the creation of golf courses that made golf even more enjoyable.
So this game is also played today in the entire world. Also tournaments were created to see who is the best playing this game. So this was how golf was created and how it evolved.
The End
How Does Music Affect Sleep?
Listening to music while you’re sleeping has many positive effects on the human body. Being in contact with music (playing, listening, singing, etc.) can also have effects in your sleep. Have you ever taught sleep problems as insomnia can be reduced or solved with something as simple as music?
Based on the research published in the Journal of Advanced Nursing in February 2005, people with sleep problems from the older generation that listened to music while they slept reported a thirty five percent of improvement in their sleep. They were able to chose what song to listen from a collection of calm pieces. The benefits included relevant improvement in the quality of sleep, as well as in the amount. They also claim to be less stressed during the day. This is due to the fact that sleeping provides rest and energy for the body.
Canadian researchers in the University of Toronto proved that listening to music before you sleep can lead to a restful night. They came up with “Brain Music,” or music based from the brain waves produced when you’re trying to sleep. They played music to two groups of people: one group listened to brain music and the second one listened to normal music. Both groups showed improvement in their sleep, but the ones exposed to brain music showed more significant results. Brain music reduced the levels of anxiety and stress and induced sleep.
Neil Stanley, chairman of the British Sleep Society, said that your favorite piece of music is even better for sleep (Stanley). Calm music isn’t necessarily the only choice for good sleep. If you don’t like calm music, then your body won’t feel comfortable. Anything that goes against what you like is not a good option. If perhaps, your favorite music is rock or pop, it would still be good for your sleep.
The Benefits of music therapy are great! They cure sleep problems, or simply provide you with a restful night. What makes this better that medicine or therapy is that you won’t become dependent to it. Many medicine for sleep problems contain drugs and other substances that can result harmful for the body. The side effects may also be something to have caution about.
Music does not only give you good sleep, but it can also be present in dreams. According to Valeria Uga’s research musicians who have been playing a musical instrument from an early age can listen or even create music in their dreams. Some testimonials , which have not yet been proven by scientific research, say that if you listen to music while you sleep your dreams can be related to the song you hear.
I surveyed seventh grade students to find out if the listened to music while they slept. Only one out of 20 surveyed boys and girls listened to music while he slept reporting eight hours of sleep. Even though, this survey can’t be analyzed further due to the lack of people who listen to music while they sleep.
One of the surveyed students, who doesn’t currently listen to music while she sleeps, affirmed to get better sleep and health when she listened to classical music while she slept during the second grade. She states her grades back then were always in the high nineties. This may happen because of the good quality of sleep and other benefits caused by music. She also mentioned that as soon as she stopped listening to music her grades dropped back to the low eighties. This proves that music doesn’t only benefit sleep, but plays an important role on a daily basis. This also clues in that music can affect attitude, sleep, dreams, rest, and even your way of thinking.
Based on the research I found out that music helps reduce sleep problems and it-s symptoms. It can, as well, affect your dreams as musicians often dream with music. Music doesn’t only play a part in sleeping habits but may also benefit health. Getting good sleep is especially important for your attitude through the day and your overall health. If you’re not getting enough sleep, give music a try!
When My Grandfather Died
Suddenly I was woken up by a constant ringing, which I recognized as the phone. “Ring, ring.” I could see the dull shine of a night light being turned on in the hall, followed by the sound of footsteps that clumsily made their way to pick up the phone. It was a quick and quiet conversation.
I twisted and turned around my bed. I sat up, and tried to listen carefully to what was going on. I struggled not to make any noise. I couldn’t make out what was happening.
“Yes.” I could make out coming out of my father-s mouth.
I heard some whispering and shuffling around. I laid back in bed still awake and confused.
My teary eyed mother, stood by my bed. She wasn-t wearing her pijamas anymore. Instead she was fully clothed but her hair wasn-t done.
“I`ll be back soon.” she said quietly.
“Ok.” I said.
After that she was gone all morning, yet nobody told me where or why. I didn’t ask either. I just went through the day. I got up, took a bath, got dressed, and ate breakfast.
Later that day, after my mom was home, I knew that I lost one of my two remaining grandparents. H e died from a Heart attack.
My Autobiography
There are many meanings of my name, but two of them are: “Sea Star” and “Wookiee Princess”. I guess being a sea star is cute, but being a Wookiee Princess is actually depressing. if you don’t know what Wookiee means… you are very lucky. Because Wookiee was the name of a very hairy race from the movie “Star Wars”. Unfortunately the most famous Wookiee is called Chewbacca. The fact is that the only way my name suits me, is because of the combination of names. My grandmother is called Maria and the other grandmother (my mom’s mom) was called Ana, so my name is a combination of the two names.
On the other hand, there is actually an animal that I think that matches with me. The BEE. The bee is one of the most hardworking organisms, and I consider myself as a hardworking person. Bees are always preventing, like I always try to do. Besides that, some people say that if I only had a little bit more energy I will start buzzing just like a bee.
My Childhood
As everyone else my childhood is a huge part of my life, full of wonderful moments and the best experiences. When I was about one year and a half, I had the chance to watch snowing here in Torreon. I consider it something very special because it will never happen again. My kinder garden was the only chance I had to be in a Montessori, at that school I developed every possible ability I had. From things like learning to otherones like excavating. I remember my father used to call me Sapo-Topo-Cocodrilo (Toad-Mole-Cocodrile).he used to call me like that because while I was waiting for them to pick me up, I used to play in the mud. that nickname stayed with me until I finished kinder garden, and I began the elementary school at other city or town near from here called Jimenez. School was different for me, because besides my friends I don’t remember a lot of thing about it. I remember I was seven years old when I learnt to ride my bike. Eight when I got my motorcycle and nine when I learnt how to ride a Yet Ski. I also remember that every month we would g shopping to “El Paso” because it was very near, and that we would organized camps with friends very frequently. My cousins were also very important because every time I visited them the time we spent together was very special. The last thing, and the one I like more about my childhood was my best friend. Her name was Jessica, and she was my neighbor. We met each other because of our mothers. I used to go to her house almost every day. I remember that the games we used to play were extremely silly and crazy, but we used to spend hours playing them. I visit her almost every vacation and she will always be my friend.
About Me
In a very descriptive way I would say that the adjectives that best describe me are: creative, hard working and talkative. In my whole life people has told me I am creative. Until I am thirteen years old I am starting to realize that it might be truth. I know I am hardworking because I have tested in so many ways and I have had lots of good results. I am talkative because sometime talking feels like a necessity for me. Unfortunately since a few years ago, chatting has given my some difficulties between school and me.
My Future Goals
In ten years everything could change, and I am not able to decide my future, but I can dream about what I would like it to be. In ten years I must be at collage. If I am lucky, I would be in a collage form a foreign country. After that my goal is to succeed in whichever career I studied. With the money I earned travel to a few places. Places such as Europe, Dubai, New Zeeland and Alaska. Meet someone, get married, have children and raise them in the city or town where most of my family lives.
The Creation Of Paperholics
Pasa was born in Cartolandia. He was so weird that when he was born and the doctor smacked him on the bottom instead of crying he mooed. His parents noticed he was different very quickly. They were very catholic. They also believed that a name is supposed to mean something or be related to the person that is given to. They could not decide a name, so they took him to church. In there the minister Christianidoso said that maybe they had to baptize him first. They did, but that did not help anyway. They decided to call him _________ (blank), but that is another story. Later on other nicknames where given to him Pasa was one of the most common used by people. The name Pasa stayed only during his childhood. In Cartolandia the time were you had converted into a man was defined by the time you had left your house to become a homeless. Pasa became into a homeless when he has 15. He moved into the neighborhood of Quintas Cartolandia. In there he found some other guys he knew. For example, Fonso. Fonso became a man when he was 12 and because he had lived there more, he ruled. Pasa lived very scared and he feared everything (Especially going out.) Instead of going out with people, he would stay at his Xbox and play HALO the whole day. Sometimes he would go to eat from recycle bins instead of going to the super market. All that he would eat was paper, paper and more paper. One day the goddess of paper discovered him. She loved paper and respected it so much that she would not let some weird guy eat it. For that she assigned a person to avoid Pasa from eating paper. His name was Vicenton, he was as weird as Pasa, but like to hit him and make him suffer.
They became very close friends. One day they discovered that when Pasa went to the bathroom and do his business there (you know), his poop would become “papel mache” .Make Pasa stop eating paper was not an option anymore. That “papel mache” was very expensive and they would become rich easily. They planned to convince the goddess of paper to let Pasa eat whenever he wanted, but she did not want. They begged but the answers stayed the same. One day Pasa accidentally killed her because he appeared at night, and when the goddess saw his face she got so scared that had a heart attack. Pasa and Vincenton were very lucky that time and the rest of their lives. Pasa died because X-boxes were too old to be played. The end of Vicenton was different. He did not die because he was a god. He married the goddess of hippies, Gina and they had two super-cute sons, and one of them was given to Mariana the goddess of Jokes.
Why Smoking?
The first reason I think people should not smoke is because smoking hurts our environment. Every scientist says that smoke emits gases that contribute to global warming. Did you know that cigarettes are made of nonrenewable fossils? Parents, please don’t smoke, if you smoke your kid may play with cigarettes and they can burn houses.
Another reason for not smoking is because smoking puts you life in danger. Please people do not some because you can have many diseases, like, heart problems. Women, did you know that smoking may cause infertility? Well it is your decision if you don’t want this problem please don’t smoke. People that love looking pretty why do you smoke, smoking makes you look bad, for example you have, bad smell of hair. If you do not smoke you would have a brighter skin and good teeth. If you want to life long and look younger you have to quit the smoking.
My last reason is that smoke causes serious illness. IMPORTANT! Smoking causes the swine flu. Smoking causes burger’s diseases (inflammation of blood vessel lining). A horrible illness that you can cause is pulmonary tuberculosis. Do you want to be in hospital almost dying? I don’t think so. So don’t smoke.
In conclusion I can tell you how to quit. This is when you have a lot of nicotine in your body; you should explore nicotine replacement therapy (NRT) and prescription drugs as possible options to help you stop. If you decide to use NRT you should consider starting with strong patches or gum. If you have a particularly high level of dependency, the nasal spray may be appropriate. If you want to know more about this go to in here you could see it more specific.
My First Pet
One time when I was like 6 or 7 years I was in my house. I was taking a shower and my mom was jumping up and down, screaming and saying that we could have a pet in our house. My father said that yes but that I needed to pick up the poops of the dog. Then my mom came and said in the door that we would have a pet!!!! Then I said yes but what it is a boy or a girl and my mom said a girl and she run to the man that was selling it. Yes I want one said my mom jumping. Then I came and I said I wanted a dog. The black man excited (because we will buy him the pet). He was like about 35 years and he was friend of my mom and his child was my friend. He had lots of pets to sell like: cats, dogs, birds, etc. Then the man opened the cage of and he came with me. Then my dog (Scooby) was like 20 centimeters, he was black with like 30% of white. YES I want this one mom. Then I ask the man what breed it was this dog. He told me it is snaucer and he is salt and pepper. Then I asked him how many years he had. He said me has 2 months.
Then when I have it I was playing all day with him. Then my cousin Karla, I invited her to my house to play with my dog. She was very excited because she likes the dogs. She was black and she had black hair and she was like 5 years. When she came into my house it pass like 40 minutes and when she was entered she fall down and she cry. We were playing with him and then we washed her. Then we run with him and then we put him in the stairs and he could not come down. Then we went to walmart and buy him a sweater and food and a thing called marabones. Then the next day I waked up and he said me look Miguel. OH whats that Scooby? I was jumping up, down, east west. I was screaming and almost dancing. No it’s another dog. YES o my god and what is a boy or girl? It’s a girl then put it with Scooby. Then what will be her name, I don’t know put it you. Then I went and I called her pinky. Then I found a big enormous box to put them in there. They were good friends until 2 weeks the female dog escape and we never see her. Know Scooby is 8 years and he has a friend called frida that has like 1 year. She is enormous, like 50 cm and she has like 4 puppies and I get one the others we sell them.
How did Pasa got his name?
Everyone always hit him and the principal did not care about him.
One day Pasa was trying to find out why everyone was making fun of him.
He went with Mariana and asked her: “Why are you bothering me so much?” and she answered: “Because your name is funny”.
Pasa decided to become a better person and he started talking with people who hated him to try fix, things but the only thing he won was a kick and punch.
Then he went with the principal because he was tired of being the pet of the school; he said to the principal, “Mr. I am tired of being hit and kicked everyday” and the principal answered, “I do not know what to do”, but Pasa did not know that the principal had a 100 dollars bill that Frankie gave to him to let him kick him.
So the months continued and then the Devil came and said to Pasa, you have been a very bad person because you are pathetic for this world, you will come with me”.
At the next moment, Pasa was in the underground the only thing he saw was a big castle at the end.
He walked for an hour until he got to the castle and then in that castle, there was a god, the god was big and his name was Zeus. Zeus was protecting the castle and Pasa decided to fight with him, but when Pasa showed up, Zeus started laughing and told him: “haha, I will let you pass because see yourself you are pathetic”.
Pasa was happy and triumphant because he thought he did the entire job.
Pasa walked upstairs and on the next floor he saw a very long bridge that was moving. Pasa needed to cross it to get to the end of the castle.
Pasa started walking and very carefully started walking but then a lot of mosquitoes came and started to bite him and Pasa fell to the first floor and had to do everything again but carefully.
When he got into the bridge, he started crossing it again and he finally made it after five times but he was all weak to continue so he took a nap.
The next day he walked 2 meters and finally got to the end.
The first thing that Pasa saw was a blank picture with a sentence on it. it said, “ Your new name will be Miguel Angel Camarillo Elizondo.” Pasa was very excited because he finally got a name. Then the Devil came again and took him back to Cartonarnia. when Pasa got to the First School nobody could call him Pasa, but then Mariana discovered that Camarillo was the same as Camaron, so everyone started calling him Camaron. everything that Pasa did was for nothing.
My best Birthday
Mexico´s Geography and Natural Resources 2
Some reasons that Mexico has many natural resources is its geography. Geography includes location, which affects the type and number of natural resources in a place. Location is determined by the altitude, latitude, wind currents and ocean currents of a place. Natural resources are products of the earth that people use to meet their needs. The country of Mexico is located north of the Equator and in the western hemisphere.
It is south of the United States and north of Central and South America and also between the Pacific Ocean and the Gulf of Mexico. It’s located in North America but it is part of Latin America. The Ring of Fire borders the west coast of Mexico, that’s why Mexico has many volcanoes. Northern Mexico has a dry climate therefore is mostly desert. The first reason is because it is far away from bodies of water and the second reason is that the elevation is low. The land in this region is dry that is the reason we have cotton in this region because it doesn´t need too much water. The northern region has many mountains, and that’s why Mexico is the number one producer of silver in the world. The next region in Mexico is Central Mexico. This region has a temperate and mild climate because the altitude.
In this region farmers grow corn because the soil in this region is fertile because of volcanic eruptions. This allows to have productive farming.
Our last region to explore is Southern Mexico. This region has a tropical climate. You can find rainforests in this region of Mexico but, in the center of this region, the soil is poor. In the coastlands the soil is fertile and there’s a lot of rain. This type of climate is perfect to plant bananas and coffee. These resources are planted and grow on large plantations. Oceans next to Mexico give more natural resources. The Gulf of Mexico is an important place for the extraction of crude oil.
Most of the oil produced in Mexico comes from here. Fish and shrimp are other natural resources taken from the oceans from Mexico. The Pacific Ocean west of Mexico is an important way of getting natural resources like oil, fish, and shrimp. In conclusion Mexico’s natural resources are mainly affected by the location of Mexico. The Tropics and the oceans bring rains to Mexico helping farming and the volcanoes give minerals to the soil. Also silver in the north gives people beautiful jewelry. That is why Mexico is rich in natural resources.
The Pacific lowlands cover a narrow strip west of Guadalajara . The Sierra Madre del Sur stretches across Guerrero and Oaxaca to the Isthmus of Tehuantepec the narrowest part of Mexico . The north side of the isthmus is part of a wide, marshy plain stretching from Veracruz to the Yucatan Peninsula . In the southernmost states the Pacific lowlands are backed by the Sierra Madre de Chiapas, the Rio de Grijalva basin and the Chiapas highlands. Each of these highlands is a tropical rainforest area stretching into northern Guatemala . The jungle turns into a region of tropical savanna on the flat, low Yucatan Peninsula and at the tip of the peninsula, an arid desert-like region.
Stolen Children
Amy accepts. She went to Ms. Edgerton house that wasn’t really a house it was a big mansion. She takes good care of Kendra, she played with Kendra all the day until it was time for her nap. Amy gets tired and goes to have a nap at the living room. When she finally wake up and went to see how was Kendra, but she didn’t find her and realized that Kendra had been kidnapped. She looked everywhere, and all of the sudden appeared a guy named Smokey with a gun, but Hugh (his partner) stops Smokey from giving a shoot to Amy and tells her get in the car. They take both Amy and Kendra to a faraway place.
When Ms. Edgerton returned and saw a note that the bad guys left at the door, she quickly ran to the phone, and called the Amy’s mother. They call the police, so can they find their kids, the note that the bad guys put a note on the door. The note said t the amount of money they want, and to not call the police or they will never see their kids.
The place where they took Amy and Kendra was a mobile house. Hugh told Smokey to go buy food and envolopes at the store at the store while he takes care of the girls. After Smokey went to the store, he told Amy to get prepared because the next day they were going to make the first video. Amy then knew that she needed to send clues through the videos that Smokey and Hugh won’t recognize, but that her friend Jorja will recognize from the book of Secrets, Amy was writing.
The next day after the video was taken Hugh told Smokey to buy the newspaper. While Smokey was gone Amy saw that Hugh was asleep so she took advantage of this and ran away. She didn’t really go far because of Kendra that made her slow. Hugh surprised them and told Amy if she ran again she will be killed. Smokey make the second video, again Amy putted a clue.
When Jorja, Ms. Edgerton and the Amy’s mom saw the video, Jorja discovered a clue that the bad guys had a white caravan. The police discovered that it was steeled from a person near the forest.
At night while everyone was asleep Amy couldn’t sleep because she thought that Smokey would kill her if she was left alone without Hugh to protect her. She wake up and went to the car looking for the gun and to disappear it. When She was looking for the gun she found the keys but didn’t wanted to go without Kendra. Amy thought that she could go and get help and then come back as quickly as possible with the car. But Amy didn´t go, so she went again to the cabin and slept afraid of getting alone with Smokey.
The next day Hugh told Smokey to deliver the video to the Edgerton. When the video arrived they saw the next clue that was about the Kendra’s nanny and they started to search for her. The detective Roovelt went to the apartment where the nanny lived but there wasn’t anyone. She went with the administrator that told him that Mrs. Darrielie (the nanny) was dead. She told the detective she said this to her one morning while she cleaned the entrance of the house. He was thinking about that clue and the nanny.
At the cabin Amy was terrified of the idea that she couldn’t hide the gun from Smokey. When he came back Hugh asked Smokey were was the gun and Smokey said it was in the glove compartment and Amy said it wasn’t there and then Smokey with an angry eyes turned to Amy. Then Hugh said him to calm down that the gun was at a safe place that they didn’t know. That same day Smokey told the girls to get prepared for the next video. Amy said they were going to be ready but first she will show a new game to Kendra. Amy taught a game to Kendra that contained again the clue for Jorja to discover. After the video, Smokey went to send it. Amy and Kendra stayed out of the Cabin. Then two women in horses came, and Hugh told them to go. Amy was sure they had seen her.
When the two women went they went to a store where they talked about what they saw and that they should call the police, but they didn’t. When they received the video they saw that things Amy said words from the game they liked to play the charades that meant that the place was close to a store called Saddle-Stop-Store-Country. The detective went there and talked with the cashier and told her if she saw something strange call him.
Meanwhile Amy was playing with Kendra a game in which Kendra was a queen. Then Hugh told them to get inside, then a helicopter passed over the cabin but didn’t saw them. Then the helicopter went and Smokey was already arriving and he told Hugh that he had changed the car because a cop was after him. Hugh also told him that a helicopter had passed nearby. Hugh told him that they should change of place. Then Amy took Kendra by the hand and took her to the car. Amy went off and then the fuel finished and a helicopter passed by and took them to their home.
Mexico´s Geography and Natural Resources
The country of Mexico is located north of the Equator and in the western hemisphere. It is south of the United States and north of Central and South America and also between the Pacific Ocean and the Gulf of Mexico. It’s located in North America but it is part of Latin America. The Ring of Fire borders the west coast of Mexico, that’s why Mexico has many volcanoes.
Northern Mexico has a dry climate therefore is mostly desert. The first reason is because it is far away from bodies of water and the second reason is that the elevation is low. The land in this region is dry that is the reason we have cotton in this region because it doesn´t need too much water. The northern region has many mountains, and that’s why Mexico is the number one producer of silver in the world.
The next region in Mexico is Central Mexico. This region has a temperate and mild climate because the altitude. In this region farmers grow corn because the soil in this region is fertile because of volcanic eruptions. This allows to have productive farming.
Our last region to explore is Southern Mexico. This region has a tropical climate. You can find rainforests in this region of Mexico but, in the center of this region, the soil is poor. In the coastlands the soil is fertile and there’s a lot of rain. This type of climate is perfect to plant bananas and coffee. These resources are planted and grow on large plantations.
Oceans next to Mexico give more natural resources. The Gulf of Mexico is an important place for the extraction of crude oil. Most of the oil produced in Mexico comes from here. Fish and shrimp are other natural resources taken from the oceans from Mexico. The Pacific Ocean west of Mexico is an important way of getting natural resources like oil, fish, and shrimp.
In conclusion Mexico’s natural resources are mainly affected by the location of Mexico. The Tropics and the oceans bring rains to Mexico helping farming and the volcanoes give minerals to the soil. Also silver in the north gives people beautiful jewelry. That is why Mexico is rich in natural resources.
Lost in the Forest
Max’s family was composed of his father, José, his mother, Alicia, and his brother, Thomas. They loved and helped each other. Max was six and his brother four. José had some cows and Alicia took care of her sons and also worked as a housewife.
One ordinary Saturday at five o’clock Max went with his father to get the cows to graze in the grass fields. The grassland was next to the wood factory so there was a big saw dust hill. Suddenly, Max noticed that one of the cows was missing. “Dad, dad, Rosy, the cow is missing!” Max said. “Max stay here” said his father. “I am going to look for the cow on the other side of the saw dust hill. Stay here and do not move from here. I am coming” said his father. He waited for his dad, but he began to get desperate and decided to go and help his father find the cow. He entered the forest and started to look for the cow. Max’s father returned and Max was not there. “MAX, MAX, MAX!” he shouted. “MAXIMILIAN, MAXIMILIAN, MAXIMILIAN!” It was getting dark and the forest was full of bears, wolves, and other wild animals. Juan was very worried. He ran as fast as he could to the village for help. Many people went to look for Max. “MAX, MAX, MAX!” they all shouted. The sun disappeared from the sky and they could not find Max. At night the people always wore sweaters and liked to drink hot chocolate. Sometimes the sounds from animals made the little kids shiver of fare. They kept looking until midnight. They did not find him.
Maximilian’s family was really worried. The next day in the morning all the village went to look for him. The kids from the town school where also looking for Max. “MAX, MAX, MAX!” the little voices shouted. Days and days passed away and they could not find him. More days passed and there was no signal of Max. Finally they thought that Max had died in the forest, for there was no way for a small kid to survive without food and surrounded by fierce animals. Max’s family cried and cried. They had lost a much loved member of the family.
When the village people where looking for Max, he did hear them, but he was afraid to be beaten for not following the rules of his father. He was afraid of being seen. So, when he heard someone calling for him, he would hide.
One day after one month of Max being lost, a man with a long white beard, an old cane, wrinkles on his face, a sweet look in his eyes that gave confidence, was walking through the forest looking for a good tree to make a table for his house. He wanted a strong and big pine tree for his new creation. Suddenly, the old man saw Max lying on a rock. He was thin and had some wounds. The old man took the boy to Coyotes and gave the notice to Max’s family. They quickly went to the hospital to see their precious son. Max was alive. Max got the necessary attention and went to normal again.
Everyone was amazed! How would a little boy survive for a month in the forest? Max told his incredible story. “A man helped me. He had long hair, blue eyes, and was very kind to me. He gave me food and water and in the night he protected me from wild animals and gave me quilts to keep out of the cold night.” “But who was that man?” everyone said. “I don’t know!” said Max. “He never told me!”
Max´s father had promised God to go to the capital, Durango, and visit the Cathedral with his son if they found him. So, as soon as Max recovered, they went to Durango to pay the promise. It was almost the end of the Holy Week. The church was magnificent, made out of rock and beautiful ornaments. It was a sad day for the church; it was Good Friday so all the statues where covered with purple covers, as it was done back on those days. Juan told the priest that they had traveled from far away and that he wanted to present his son Max before God to thank him. The priest agreed and discovered the statue of God. Immediately Max shouted and ran away from the statue. Juan was shocked and went after him. At the entrance of the church Juan asked Max what had happened. “That is the man that protected me in the forest!” said Max, and began to cry, “Why do they have him on that cross? Why is he bleeding?” “Oh my God” said Juan. “It is a miracle!” Juan told everything to the priest. They were amazed. They all thanked God for saving Max.
Some years later, when Max was 19 years old he went on a trip to the city with his friends. On the road one of the tires of the van they were traveling on, blew off. Max was sent out of the van and died. He was the only one that died in the terrible accident. Max’s family thanked God for saving Max when he was little and lost in the forest. They were also crying and lamenting. They were all sad but they knew that God wanted that for Max.
And this was the story of Max, the boy that was lost in the forest and was saved by God.
My Favorita Vacations
My grandparents, my parents, my aunt, my brother, and me all went to Disneyland. We were all happy. Disney is for all ages, so the attractions were for the entire family, well almost because my brother was like 4 years old so he really did not enter to all the rides. It was funny because almost on the rides I found pennies. My brother said “Why am not so fortunate.” I laughed. When it was time to eat we ate big hamburgers with fried potatoes and soda.
After, we took photos with the Disney characters. In Disneyland there are 2 parks Disney and Disney California Adventure. When we went to Disney California Adventure after eating, I said “Mom I want to go to the roller coaster of Mickey Mouse.” then she said, “If I go now to the roller coaster I will vomit.” I said ok, so we went until night. At night was better because all the lights were on, so it was beautiful. When the day finished we went to see the Disneyland parade show, it was also beautiful.
When we arrived at the hotel, our feet hurt a lot. The next days were also very fun. The other days we went to the rides we did not go the days before. In the last day was sad because Disney was an experience we will never forget. After arriving to Torreon we had a lot of things to talk about. Also we had a lot of new things to use. The stores were also fantastic. We had great vacations.
No Homework!!!
Homework is review of what we did in class. I think that if that teacher asks us for the things we saw the day before then we would not review in the afternoon. If we pay attention in class we don’t need to review in the afternoons. We are intelligent enough to understand and remember things. If we understand everything we should not have any homework.
Having free time is important because we need time to relax and to do whatever we want. Homework takes time from our leisure time: In the afternoon some kids practice sports. Others have other kinds of classes the other kids may want to play or to go to the mall with their friends. We need our free time to do what we want!
In my opinion, doing homework takes a lot of time in my afternoon. I think that other kids think the same as me. Sometimes I start homework at 4:00pm and finish it at 9:00pm. When I finish my homework, I don’t have a lot of time left to do things I want. Homework is stressing and not relaxing.
Other kid’s opinions:
Jaime says: “Many of the assignments that are given as homework are nothing but busy work, drill and kill activity sheets
The life of a creative girl
My name is Andrea Georgina Olguin Holguín, and I think it´s perfect for me because of its meaning. I think my parents choose it because they thought it is beautiful.
Andrea means brave and beautiful and Georgina means hard worker
My last names are Olguin Holguín, which come from Cuba, but I´m not Cuban or have Cuban heritage. Although, my whole life I´ve been known as Gina, because when I was a little girl there were too many girls named Andrea, so my mom wanted me to be different and told everyone to call me Gina.
I was born on August 26, 1997, here at Torreon.
I entered school at 3 years I think, and then joined CAT. The biggest part of my life I´ve had been at CAT, and now it´s like a second home to me.
My childhood was really funny and full of great moments. I remember I used to play a lot with my little brother, Edgar, or playing alone. I can remember that I had always been different from the other girls. While all of them liked pink, I loved purple; while they watched Disney Princess movies, I watched Power Rangers; while they played “being a family”, together at recess, I pretended being the Flimstones.
I didn’t have many girlfriends when I was younger, but had a best friend, that is actually on CAT at my same grade, his name is Emilio Castillo. We played together most of the time, acted out episodes of “Scooby-Doo” ,we came over to each other’s homes a lot, and we used to be really close. He was my first friend. Later on, I began having girlfriends and soon we split apart, but we´re still really nice friends, though not as close as before.
Swimming was a really important thing at my childhood. My mom decided that I needed swimming lessons, so she took me there. I hated them at the start and locked myself inside the bathroom the whole swimming class. But then I faced my fears, and practiced it daily for seven years. Actually, I´m on the school´s swimming team.
I´m not the kind of girl who´s excellent at all sports. Actually, I´m only good at swimming and running, so that´s why swimming means so much to me.
I love to swim, purple color, everything related to the 80’s, hippie stuff ,French poodles , clothes, reading ,chocolate, writing and painting.
I have a wonderful, religious, family. My mom is named Veronica, she is really tall, has short brown hair, dark brown eyes, and is a very nice, understanding mom.
My dad is named Edgar, he is a vet of cows, bulls, sheep and horses .He sells medicine for all those animals, and his job is really fun, because he gets to be with the cows. I love going with him. And my brother is also named Edgar, he is funny and smart, and is at 4th grade, here at CAT.
This last summer holidays I went to visit my dad’s parents at Tulancigo, Hidalgo. It was really fun because I got to see the traditions of the southern Mexico.
Once there I also went to Huasca, a little town nearby, that´s considered one of the PUEBLOS MAGICOS (magic towns) of Mexico. It´s really nice and haves a cool climate.
Tulancingo itself is a very nice city, it haves more plants that what Torreon does.
I loved an old train station, that now is a museum.
I found out that the so-famous, Mexican wrestler “El Santo” was born in Tulancingo and is the hero there. There´s even a statue for him!
I also visited Casitas, Veracruz, a beach city. I had a lot of fun too. I made sand castles, ate coconuts and did many other things. I also collected many sea shells and collected something else ... When I was bending down at the water to get a shell something stung me! IT WAS A CRAB! I scram, jumped, and ran out from the water. IT felt pretty weird, and a little bit disgusting, but not too painful.
Once there we also visited the Tajin pyramids, which surprises me because they´re HUGE and Aztecs didn´t have special machinery to build them. The bad stuff about going to Tajin is the extremely hot weather, it´s much worse than Torreon´s!
100% GINA
This are some things that make me happy
1 . Seeing movies on rainy days.
2. Sales at the clothing store!
3. Painting something and it to turn out nice.
4. Writing stories , because it relaxes me.
5. Eating chocolate or candies.
But what makes me angry are:
1.VERY hot days
2.People who walk slowly when you’re hurried.
3.Too much homework and no time left for myself.
4.When the light´s gone.
5. My dog taking out the trash of the trash can
I have a special connection to the color purple. I’ve always loved it because when I was a little girl my parents filled me with purple things without knowing it. So I think I relate purple to happiness. In fact, since I have common sense, I love purple.
I think Hippie stuff is “groovy”. Last year I dressed up as a hippie for Halloween and loved it , I felt as if I really were one. What I like about hippies is that they worry about the environment, hate war, like peace, are REALLY colorful (like me), their freedom style, their way of expressing themselves peacefully, their super cool vans, their clothing, and the hippie sign ☮.
THE 80s
I also love the 80’s because my mom was a teen at that time. She tells me all her adventures, how was it at that time, her awesome disco nights and I just love it!
I love disco balls, colorful dance floors, the 80’s fashion and everything related to dancing !
My mom is a GREAT cook, so she teaches me how to make several things. She especially teaches me how to bake desserts, such as cookies, cakes, muffins, etc.
I really like cooking and its very fun because you get to create something and then eat it . I’ve also learned that you appreciate the food more when you make it.
I plan on being a surgeon when I grow up. As a hobby I plan being a writer. I think being a surgeon means helping people’s lives, and because my dad is a doctor, are the main reasons why I want to be that.
I’d also like to travel as much as I can, but mainly to France, India and Russia.
But my goal number one is always being happy.
To conclude I say I will always try
To be happy and optimist and
Keep being who I am, because
I like myself this way.